2410 SE 10th Ave,
Portland, OR

Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, & Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

3125 NE Holladay St,
Suite B, Portland, OR

Acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, Naturopathy, & Psychotherapy


Naturopathy, Nutrition, & Psychotherapy

Emergency Announcement here

Our Services

At Be Well Holistic Health we understand that your healing process is about your whole self. Your needs aren’t just about pain management. At Be Well, we know that your body can heal itself. As practitioners we have observed that your healing capacity increases when you feel safe, treat the root of your symptoms and use gentle, specific and appropriate care. 

Holistic Neurology

Neurological conditions are common but in conventional medicine treatment is often limited to pharmaceuticals or surgery. At Be Well Holistic Health we believe our holistic approach is the missing aspect to long lasting restorative neurological healing. 

Our goal is to provide gentle care that considers your entire self. We focus on what is working and how we can support the continued expansion of your healing process. 

At Be Well Holistic Health, many of our providers specialize in neurological health. 

The following methods and systems of healing are supportive for neurological health and offered at Be Well Holistic Health. 

Gentle & Accessible Care

We know that it is hard to feel safe and cared for when you have been injured or you struggle with a chronic condition. At Be Well Holistic Health we believe safety is the number one need for your entire self to start healing. 

Our entire clinic is centered around engendering a sense of safety and care. We believe gentle methods provide the tenderness you need to make leaps in your healing. We deeply listen to you so we can provide gentle, specific and appropriate care that respects your whole self and deeply restores. 

At Be Well Holistic Health we have providers using many gentle methods, including: 

Motor Vehicle Injury

At Be Well Holistic Health, we believe everyone deserves access to holistic care for the mental and physical effects of injury. 

After a motor vehicle accident, there are three parts to healing — addressing shock and grief, alleviating pain while correcting structural misalignment, and increasing vitality. Our team works in cooperation to bring you through these stages back into wellness.

Getting support immediately to minimize the extent of injuries gives you the best chance for a complete and quick recovery.

In the state of Oregon, no matter who is at fault, you have access to insurance that will treat your injuries

Several of Be Well Holistic Health’s providers accept this type of insurance and can provide:

Accessible Care for Everyone

Access to this incredible medicine is vital for us. We believe these gentle modalities should be available to all, especially underserved populations. 

This is why we offer weekend and evening hours, a scent free space, body shame free space and seek providers that are trauma informed, multi-lingual and accept medicaid and a financial hardship sliding scale.

 To learn more read about our non-profit TeamWorks International and its current projects. 

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Provide your body with the optimal environment and energy to heal wounds and suppress inflammation. 

The goal of HBOT is to dramatically increase the oxygen level in the body. A specialized chamber is used to harness several laws of physics that bring oxygen to the plasma portion of the blood. 

Increasing oxygen levels creates an environment in the body in which inflammation is suppressed and regenerative healing is optimized. Short term benefits are experienced after one session and long term change is achieved with multiple sessions.

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

Nutritional Supplements

Click the image above to go to Be Well’s online medicinary, where you can access your provider’s recommended high-quality supplements.

Take the first steps on your journey with Be Well Holistic Health

Virtual Care

Virtual visits are an excellent option for those seeking support who are unable to come into the office for a hands-on visit. Our providers practice holistic medical systems that can provide relief and care when you cannot make it to us in office. Your virtual visit may include:

Please note: A virtual wellness kit may be shipped to you with the supplies you need for your wellness visit and home self-care determined during your initial visit.

At this time, most insurance will cover an initial visit via Telehealth. Some insurance companies will cover follow-up visits.

Tasha Searles


advanced practice nurse

Tasha Searles, APRN, AGCNS-BC is a Queer, Autistic, ADHDer with Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome + some other commonly co-occurring conditions. Originally from Indiana, they now reside in Portland, Oregon with their two rambunctious cats. Tasha enjoys spending time outdoors, reading, learning, and finding new ways to be creative.


Professionally, Tasha is trained as a Clinical Nurse Specialist (a type of advanced practice nurse, similar to a Nurse Practitioner), and has been a nurse for over a decade —mostly working with individuals impacted by chronic or complex health conditions. They started in diabetes care and became a Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist, so much of their work has been related to diabetes and nutrition. They also spent many years as a Nurse Navigator helping clients navigate the healthcare system. Their personal health journey, and realization of the huge gaps in available care, led them to shift their professional practice to serve others on similar journeys as their own.


Tasha has been told she’s inquisitive and “a very good detective”. Being curious, digging deep, and thinking outside of the box (all while keeping the whole picture in mind) are really her favorite things in this life. Tasha’s style in working with patients is as a consultant & coach. She believes you are the expert in your own self and aims to empower you, provide hope, and help you to use your own innate wisdom to live your best life!


Tasha’s goal is to create a safer space for all to receive appropriate healthcare that is affirming & accommodating of individual needs; a space that encourages exploration and self-determination of what wellness & thriving mean in your individual life. They practice from a trauma informed perspective that is neurodiversity, LGBTQ+, disability, & HAES affirming. Tasha is able to order diagnostic tests and prescribe medications, but also works with clients on nervous system safety, nutrition, hydration, gut health, musculoskeletal health & movement, sleep, mental & emotional health, stress management, creating a life they love, finding joy, & more.


Tasha is available for telehealth consultations for Oregon Health Plan members and is accepting new patients ages 16 & up. Because all visits are conducted virtually, Tasha does not serve as a Primary Care Provider (PCP). 


Areas of Focus:

  • Ehlers Danlos Syndrome & Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder
  • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal concerns
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Neurodiversity Affirming care
  • LGBTQ+ Healthcare