Professional Referrals
Last year I was severely injured in a car crash. Out of that experience, I’ve found a new passion for providing holistic care to those suffering pain and trauma from motor-vehicle accidents. I have also developed a network of the best accident-care providers in the area—neurologists, massage therapists, psychologists, etc. One of the greatest impediments to my recovery was just finding the practitioners who could best treat me. I’d like to ask your help connecting accident victims to the help they need.
Do you know a professional working in health care or legal services whose patients or clients might benefit from Be Well Acupuncture’s services? We would be happy to connect with primary-care physicians, X-ray technicians, orthopedic surgeons, personal-injury lawyers, body-shop owners or technicians, and anyone who may know people involved in auto accidents. If you can put us in touch, we will do the rest.
Please send the name and contact information of a professional you trust to, and please include a brief comment as to why you think they might know people who would benefit from Acupuncture after a motor-vehicle accident. I will reach out to them directly (and maybe drop your name if that’s okay with you).
Let’s be creative to get the people who need pain relief the support they need. Thank you!